mercredi 5 décembre 2012, par emilie lhome
Abstract : Spectral characterization of exo-planets can be made by nulling interferometers. In this context, several projects have been proposed such as DARWIN, FKSI, PEGASE and TPF, space-based, and ALADDIN, ground-based. To stabilize the beams with the required nanometric accuracy, a cophasing system is required, made of piston/tip/tilt actuators on each arm and piston/tip-tilt sensors. The demonstration of the feasibility of such a cophasing system is a central issue. In this goal, a laboratory breadboard named PERSEE is under integration. Main goals of PERSEE are the demonstration of a polychromatic null from 1.65 μm to 3.3 μm with a 10−4 rejection rate and a 10−5 stability despite the introduction of realistic perturbations, the study of the interfaces with formation-flying spacecrafts and the joint operation of the cophasing system with the nuller. We describe the principle of the cophasing system made by Onera, operating in the [0.8 − 1] μm (tip/tilt) and [0.8 − 1.5] μm (piston) spectral bands. Emphasis is put on the piston sensor and its close integration with the nuller.
Keywords : Interferometry, nulling, Persee, Pegase, fringe tracking, ground demonstration